Taurus Exam Simulator
Exams' conducting & passing based on tests
The exams' simulator will help you not only test your knowledge but also prepare yourself for the upcoming exams.
Taurus Exam Editor
Exam tests creation & editing in TQB format
Exam tests creation and editing in TQB format. Exam Editor supports the most necessary variants of the questions to thoroughly test your knowledge in the most comprehensive way.
Money Calendar
The best personal finance software for home accounting
This is a personal finance application to track your expenses in the easiest and most convenient way - by placing all your transactions on the calendar. Since scheduling appointments using the calendar is convenient - why not schedule financial transactions using the calendar as well.
Domain and Server Manager
Convenient tool for managing and tracking your domains and servers.
What's more, our program lets you link domains with servers, making it easier to find the information you need about your infrastructure. It can quickly determine on which server a specific domain resides and calculate the total cost of maintaining all your resources.
Taurus Automator
Automate routine tasks with files and folders using GUI and simple commands.
Automate routine tasks with powerful scripts. Use GUI and mouse instead of memorizing numerous fancy shell commands.